This is a water hike. Be prepared to hike in the river, wear shoes and clothes that can get wet, don’t make side trails to avoid getting wet.
In the spring the creek is fed by snowmelt and can be cold, deep, and fast be prepared! Average temperatures for the water is 30 degrees in the colder months and 50 degrees during the summer.
Hiking poles and good sturdy water shoes are recommended, you will be hiking along and through the streambed with slippery rocks, logs, and uneven terrain. No flip flops!
To hike past the 1st waterfall, you will need to scale a 20-foot ladder. The ladder may be icy, wet, and slippery. Farther up the trail you will need to scale/climb several large boulders. Finally, you will reach a narrowing slot canyon that will take you to the 2nd and final waterfall, this is the end of the hike, do not go beyond this point.
The Canyon is part of the watershed for the Town of Kanarraville, please help keep it clean by packing out all trash and using the restrooms before you go. There are no restrooms or trash facilities beyond the parking area.
Don’t be a vandal, NO writing or carving on the rocks, no graffiti. This is very hard to remove.
Respect the wildlife, be aware of rattlesnakes, if you see one or hear the rattle stay back and leave them alone.
The canyon is constantly changing, Over the years different ladders have been installed to allow access. Do not construct or use any makeshift rope or log ladders.
Many injuries (broken legs and ankles) can be prevented by using caution and common sense, do not slide down natural water slides.
USE CAUTION AT ALL TIMES! Iron County Search and Rescue Personnel have informed us that it can take up to 7 Hours to respond and transport injured hikers out of the canyon.
RV, overflow and trailer in tow parking is at Center Street and 100 West in Kanarraville. (Parking is limited and tight for turning around large vehicles).
No camping or fires are allowed anywhere on the trail, in the canyon, or in the parking area! – campsites are available nearby, see CEDAR CITY FIELD OFFICE or go to for information about the Town, local businesses and the surrounding area.
Also See: